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Admissions Arrangements


Barley Lane School – Admission Arrangements & Criteria 2023 – 2025

All pupil / student referrals are made through the Devon County Council Local Authority 0-25 SEND
Commissioning Team based at County Hall in Exeter and reviewed by this team on a minimum weekly basis.

For contact and details of the Devon SEND Local Offer please check their website:


or contact Devon County Council on: 01392 383000 (voice activated directory)

Barley Lane School, Exeter student eligibility criteria:

Location: St Thomas, Exeter
Catchment area: Devon County
Co-Educational (currently boys only / age 7-16 (Y3-Y11)
Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for SEMH and/or associated complex needs.

Application Process

1. Referral from the DCC commissioners (DCC LA 0-25 SEND Team)

2. Comprehensive application reports compiled by the DCC commissioners and referred to the School

3. Analysis of the application reports by the school to assess eligibility and suitability

4. If deemed potentially suitable, the following are undertaken (*if appropriate and/or where possible / feasible):

a. Interview with senior staff at the school – student and parent/s (ESSENTIAL)

b. Informal pre-visit to Barley Lane School by parents/carers (* + pupil / student if appropriate)

c. Observation visit by Barley Lane School staff to the current school (*)

d. Observation visit by Barley Lane School staff to home (*)

e. Discussion with existing link professionals involved with the student (*)

f. Feedback and recommendation from the school to the DCC commissioners (ESSENTIAL)

5. DCC commissioners make the final decision whether to commission a place at Barley Lane School

6. If placement is agreed by the DCC commissioners the school set a start date (usually within 2 weeks

of interview or an agreed timescale with parent and LA), detailing arrangements for transport (where appropriate)

7. EHCP is maintained by the LA and reviewed annually by the school where pupil resides on roll

Oversubscription Criteria

Prioritisation of pupil / student placement would be informed by / in full consultation with our Commissioners.
(DCC LA 0-25 SEND Team) and based upon the following criteria:

  • Eligibility (age, designation, complexity & severity of SEND, gender)
  • Match of resource to meet referred students’ SEND
  • Compatibility of referred student need to existing cohort needs
  • Satisfactory risk assessment of any applicable Safeguarding and/or Health & Safety issues or needs
  • Physical and resourced maximum capacity