Personal and Social Development
Forest School
Forest School is a unique approach to learning outdoors which has grown and developed
over the last few years here At Barley Lane School. The idea is based on a range of
educational theorists from the past who recognised the benefits of regular and childcentred
opportunities for children to engage with the natural world.
Our Forest School benefits children in a wealth of ways including increased self-esteem,
confidence, social skills and specific curriculum links. As the terms progress, and the children
become familiar with their outdoor space, the safe routines of Forest School, and the
possibilities open to them. They are encouraged to initiate their own play and develop ideas
at their own pace. These can include:
Safe fire lighting and fire management.
Simple cooking and hot drinks.
Sculpture and pictures using woodland materials.
Stories with themes on the natural world.
Woodcraft activities using simple hand tools and natural resources such as green wood and
other plant material.
Den building with natural resources or tarpaulins.
Buckets and digging tools in our large sand pit area.
Games to promote environmental awareness.
Gardening, growing of fruit and veg used in our school kitchen.