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Tel: 01392 430774 Email: admin@barleylane.devon.sch.uk


Barley Lane School is a member of the SENtient Trust.

Who makes up the Governing Board? 

The Governing Board of the Barley Lane School is made up of;

2 elected parent governors,

2 Foundation governors (appointed by the SENtient Trust),

1 Local Authority (LA) governor,

a staff governor,

an ex-officio governor – usually the school’s Headteacher

and 5 co-opted governors.

Other than the Headteacher, each governor serves a four year term of office.

The Governing Board

The Governors are all volunteers.

There can also be Associate members, who are appointed by the Governing Board to serve on one or more committee. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in Governing Board decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by the committees to which they are appointed. Associate members can attend Full Governing Board (FGB) meetings but may be excluded from any part of the meeting where the business being considered concerns a member of school staff or an individual pupil.

The Governing Board is assisted by a Clerk to the Governors, who is employed by Devon County Council.

For information on who currently makes up the Governing Board, see below.

Members of the Governing Board

Name Type of Governor Appointing Body Role
(LG=Lead Governor)
Term of Office Committee(s) Registered Interests



Parent Governor GB/board Co-opted Governor 14/12/2024- 13/12/2027

Senior Lecturer

University of Exeter,

Chair of Devon & Cornwall branch of Association for Child adolescent mental health

Liz Shinn Local Authority Governor Local Authority Co-Chair of Governors,
School Improvement LG
08/11/2021 - 07/11/2025 Headteacher Appraisal Panel, Pay and Performance Committee Exeter College LSA Trainer and Assessor
Andrew Shinn Foundation Governor SENtient Trust Careers LG
Finance LG
04/10/2022 -
Pay and Performance
Christine Bray Foundation Governor SENtient Trust Vice-chair of Governors,
School Improvement LG
19/10/2022 -
Devon Partnership NHS Trust - Employee
Dave Jones Staff Governor/Ex officio N/A Headteacher 06/05/2021 - None
Razna Miah Staff Governor Staff Inclusion and Wellbeing LG 02/03/2020 - 01/03/2024
Helen Crossfield Co-Opted Governor Governing Board Co-Chair of Governors, GDPR LG, Personnel LG 04/03/2021 - 03/03/2025 Headteacher Appraisal Panel
Pay and Performance Committee
Director Graham Norwood Ltd
Nigel Kingcome Co-opted Governor Governing Board Safeguarding LG 12/01/23 - 12/01/27

Kathryn Ann


Parent Governor Governing Board



Vacancy Co-opted Governor Governing Board
Vacancy Co-opted Governor Governing Board
Left in the last 12 months Reason Left
Phillippa Ansell Parent Governor Parents 30/11/2021 - 24/01/2024 Resigned
James Martin Co-Opted Governor Governing Board 16/10/2019 - 25/07/2023 Resigned

Contact the Governing Board

To contact the Governing Board email hcrossfeld@barleylane.devon.sch.uk

The Role of Barley Lane School’s Governing Board is:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

Overseeing the financial performance of school and making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Board’s Aims and Vision

At Barley Lane School we seek to create a safe and stimulating environment in which all pupils reach their full potential.

Our primary concern is that all our pupils gain full access to the National Curriculum and while doing so grow emotionally and develop self-discipline.

During this process they will grow in confidence and be able to adjust their problematic social behaviour and hopefully start to overcome any previously held barriers to learning.

Parents and/or carers are continually informed of pupis’ progress and are encouraged to be close partners in our school philosophy.

In order to achieve our vision, we shall aim to:

Ensure that quality learning takes place.

Meet the individual needs of all the pupils.

Make Barley Lane School a place where all people are valued and respected.

Make Barley Lane School a stepping-stone to a positive future for all pupils.

Raise pupil’s self-confidence and self -esteem.

Structure of the Governing Board

The work of the Governing Board can be delegated to take place in committees. Currently Barley Lane’s Governing Board has aFull Governing Board only structure, where the only work delegated tocommitteesis Pay and Performance, Headteacher Appraisal and any Hearings (staff conduct and capability, exclusion, grievance and disciplinary procedures as required).

Some of the Governing Board’s work is delegated to individual governors, who are allocatedLead Governor rolesto cover the following;


Premises, Health & Safety


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

School Improvement


Inclusion and Wellbeing

Community and Parental Links


Governing Board Meetings

The Full Governing Board (must meet at least 6 times each academic year) it plans to meet 8 times, with a Housekeeping meeting in September and the remaining 7 meetings divided equally between each term. This year, each term, there will be 1 meeting with a Finance focus and 1 meeting with a School Improvement/Teaching & Learning focus.

The Pay and Performance Committee and Headteacher Appraisal Panel, both meet twice per year.

Below can be found a record of governor attendance at last year’s meetings.

For the Academic Year 2022/2023 the scheduled meeting dates are:

(Please note these dates may be subject to change.)

20th September 2022 – FGB Housekeeping
18th October 2022 – FGB School Improvement
15th November 2022 – FGB Resources
12th January 2023 – FGB Resources
28th February 2023 – FGB School Improvement
21st March 2023 – FGB Budget
23rd May 2023 – FGB Resources
11th July 2023 – FGB School Improvement

The Full Governing Board meetings are open meetings. Members of the public are welcome to make arrangements to come and listen to proceedings. If you are interesting in attending please approach the Clerk to the Governors, hcrossfield@barleylane.devon.sch.uk


Please find below minutes of Barley Land School’s Full Governing Board (FGB) meetings.

Supporting documents can be viewed upon request.

Previous years’ minutes can also be viewed upon request:

Minutes from 2022 – 2023

Final minutes_meeting 1_FGB 20-09-22

Final minutes_meeting 2_FGB 18_Oct_22

Minutes from 2021 – 2022

Final minutes_virtual meeting 1_FGB 16-09-21

Final minutes_virtual meeting 2_FGB 25-11-21

Final minutes_virtual meeting 3_FGB 16_Dec_21

Final minutes_virtual meeting 4_FGB 17_Feb_22

final minutes_virtual meeting 5_FGB 24_Mar_22

Final minutes_ 6_FGB 28_Apr_22

Final minutes_Barley Lane School Full Governing Board_extra ordinary Meeting_8 April 2022

final minutes_meeting 8_FGB 21_June_22

Minutes from 2020 – 2021

final minutes_virtual meeting 9_FGB 15-07-21

Meeting Attendance Record

Governor FGB
Pay & Performance
Extraordinary FGB
Pay & Performance
Dave Jones Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended - Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Damian Furniss Attended Attended Attended - Attended Attended Attended Attended - Attended Attended Attended
Liz Shinn Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Jenni Palmer Attended Apologies Sanctioned Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Apologies Sanctioned Attended Attended Attended Attended
Phillippa Ansell - - - - Attended - 1st meeting after elected Apologies Sanctioned Absence not sanctioned Absence not sanctioned - Attended Attended Attended
James Martin Apologies Sanctioned Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Raz Miah Attended Attended Attended - Attended Attended Attended Attended - Attended Attended Attended
Helen Crossfield Apologies Sanctioned Attended Apologies Sanctioned Apologies Sanctioned Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Apologies Sanctioned Attended Attended
Katrina Campbell-Crocker Apologies Sanctioned Apologies Sanctioned Apologies Sanctioned - Apologies Sanctioned Apologies Sanctioned Apologies Sanctioned Apologies Sanctioned - Apologies Sanctioned Attended n/a
Clerk Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended