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Barley Lane School

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Tel: 01392 430774 Email: admin@barleylane.devon.sch.uk


Welcome to Barley Lane School

Key contact details for parents and members of the public

Admin/Reception – 01392 430774

Helen Kidney – Designated Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding Officer
07828 028342


A very warm welcome to the website and to Barley Lane School, a place where every child’s unique journey and qualities are celebrated. We are very proud and committed to children’s happiness, success and all that they may achieve during their time here. We firmly believe that a child’s happiness, well-being and growth are at the core of their school experience, and it’s our privilege to accompany them on this remarkable journey.

If you are finding out about us, it is likely your child or a child you know or work with, is bright and capable but not thriving in their mainstream primary or secondary school and this for a whole range of reasons.

As parents, carers and associated adults, your partnership with us will be invaluable. Your involvement, insights and support, contribute significantly to the children’s success and we encourage open communication and collaboration as we work together to seek the best outcomes for your children.

You can see they need help and support with their emotions, well-being and behaviour, not least learning and you are now beginning to explore possible alternatives…Please be reassured we know your child is talented, unique and complex. 


School Brochure


We work hard with parents and carers and professionals to understand and support each youngster individually. At Barley Lane School, we are committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive environment. We understand children have diverse needs abilities, and we embrace these ‘special’ qualities as a ‘special’ school that is, like the children, ‘special’ beyond and absent of a label or a category, a place to learn, grow and thrive together. If your child hasn’t been ready for school, all is not lost; we are a child ready school.

Our values and our practice are built upon a broad foundation of protection, connection, understanding and care, hard work, humility, kindness, what it means to be ready, respectful and safe, how relationships and friendships foster fresh starts, forgiveness, empathy and compassion (we could go on); they are all just some of the pillars of commitment to your children’s growth, development and learning.

There are common experiences and themes in both the challenges the children face and how we support them, for example, building good relationships with other pupils and teachers, addressing the complex spectrum of SEN, difficulties with reading and writing, friendships, lack of self-esteem, they are all familiar to us.

Therefore, creative, inspiring teaching methods, embedded routines and strong and caring relationships are at the heart of our work. Our belief in the potential of our pupils is unwavering. We envision each of them having the opportunity to leave Barley Lane School with a strong foundation for a successful future.

We are accessible, so please pop in for a cup of tea and a chat to find out more about us.

Please call, or email (01392 430774 admin@barleylane.devon.sch.uk) and come and visit us and we can explore together how we can possibly be of help.

David Jones – Headteacher

Important Safeguarding Updates

Important Safeguarding information for parents 01/05/2024 – Letter from National Crime Agency

Safer Internet Day 2024 Information for parents February 2024

Important Safeguarding Information for parents 16.11.23

Important Safeguarding Information for parents 2.5.23 

Important Safeguarding information for parents – Online Safety 06.02.23

Leaflet About Free School Meals click here

All term dates can be seen here

Trust, respect and belonging permeates the school.

Ofsted 2017 

Ready, respectful and safe’ is at the heart of Barley Lane School. Leaders prioritise this so that pupils feel safe and are ready to learn. Pupils value the difference that the school has made to them. They describe how staff listen and give them the help they need to manage their emotions successfully.

The spirit of Barley Lane: “You (Mrs O’Riley) willingly came to our house and personally delivered work to him, not just for English but for Maths as well. You stood in the wind and rain at times and explained where he was going right and wrong, mapped out his work, delivered books and were an all-out star.” 

Successful Work Experience Placement…

A lovely piece about one of our students completeing a successful work experience placement.  Read More…

Some brilliant news Dec 2022…

Student’s great achievement and the email we received from his family.  Read More…

News Feed

Neurodiverse people just need to be given a chance | Autism | The Guardian

I’ve stopped saying I ‘have autism’ – for me, being autistic is brilliant, not a burden | Nick Ransom | The Guardian

Requests for Paper Copies

If, as a parent / carer of a student at Barley Lane School, you require a paper copy
of any of the information displayed on our school’s website this will be provided free of charge.

Please contact the main school office by telephone or email: admin@barleylane.devon.sch.uk
01392 430774 or In person from our school sites.